Our Annual Reviews

An in-depth look at how we make a difference

Annual Reviews

The Little Princess Trust is committed to being an open and transparent charity, and we take great pride in telling our wonderful supporters about the many areas of our work.

This section of our website allows visitors to download our annual reviews which comprehensively outline the charity’s work over 12-month periods.

Each Annual Review explains just how many young people were provided with a real hair wig and outlines each of the childhood cancer research projects we have funded as part of our promise to give Hair and Hope to young people with cancer.

The reviews also include key achievements from across the year, first-hand testimonies from the young people we have helped and breakdowns on the ways we spend your fundraising.

Annual Review 2019/20
Annual Review 2020/21
Annual Review 2021/22
Annual Review 2022/23
Annual Review 2023/24 (coming soon)

The MBE for voluntary groups was awarded to The Little Princess Trust by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.