Your questions answered
Here are some responses to questions we are frequently asked. However, do please contact us if you can’t find the answers you need.
The hair journey is a special one and involves some truly incredible people along the way – as well as a wonderful mix of selflessness and skill.
We have created a short film that will hopefully provide the answers to your questions and shine a light on how we turn your hair into a beautiful wig.
So settle down and see how you, our wonderful supporters, play your part in helping us provide real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people.
General Questions
How do I make sure The Little Princess Trust can claim Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a fantastic way of increasing your fundraising. It costs you nothing but makes a huge difference to charities like The Little Princess Trust.
By filling out this Gift Aid form, we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 given through one-off donations.
Pennies can also be turned into lots of pounds by asking those filling out your sponsorship form to tick the Gift Aid box and answer a few easy questions.
We will claim the extra funding - you need to do no more than simply complete the paper forms.
Are free T-shirts available for supporters?
We are delighted to be sending out free LPT T-shirts to anyone who is donating more than 12 inches of hair and fundraising for us.
Just email with the T-shirt size you would like and try to tag us on social media when you get the big chop wearing your new top!
If I make a financial donation, will I receive an acknowledgement?
Yes! We are very grateful for the support and would be delighted to send you a certificate of thanks by email.
So please provide us with your email address when you send your donation. Please check your spam folder or email if your certificate has not arrived.
Can I use your logo?
Yes! We'd love you to use our logo, especially if it would help to publicise your fundraising event or sponsored hair cut.
Please send an email to to let us know what you are doing and we can send you the artwork. The same email address can be used for anyone wanting to request a digital version of our brand guidelines.
Can a representative from The Little Princess Trust come to my event and talk about the charity?
We are very fortunate to be invited to attend events around the country. As a busy charity with a commitment to focus on the young people we support, it is sadly not always possible for someone to attend.
However, we will happily consider all of your kind offers and will always get back to you with an answer. Please email as we would love to hear from you.
Do you have any Little Princess Trust assembly packs for schools?
Yes, we do! Our friends at 1decision have created a fantastic assembly pack for schools to tell children what we do as a charity - and why. Please click here to find out more.
Hair Donations
What is the minimum length of hair that can be donated?
We encourage all of our supporters to keep growing until they are ready to donate at least 12 inches (30 cms) of hair.
The minimum length of hair that we can accept is 7 inches (17cms). However, we do currently have a good stock of hair measuring 11 inches and below.
Frequent donations of shorter lengths of hair bring storage costs to the charity and we would prefer to use our resources to provide wigs to children and fund research into childhood cancers.
Why have I not received a certificate?
Unfortunately, some certificates we send via email arrive in people's spam folders. So please check the spam section of your emails for your certificate.
The other main reason is that the email address given to us is spelt incorrectly or is undecipherable so please use block capitals when filling out the Hair Donation Form.
Please allow up to a week to receive your much-deserved certificate. If you have not received your certificate within a week of posting your donation, please check your spam folder or contact us by calling 01432 352359 or emailing
Do you accept Afro-textured and curly hair donations?
Yes, we do accept Afro-textured and tightly curled hair. The hair needs to be in its natural curly form when cut and please refrain from using any oils when washing the hair before your hair cut.
Prior to cutting, put your hair into a ponytail, secure at both ends with a hair band with another band halfway down the ponytail. Please do not plait the hair before cutting.
Can I have my hair cut for The Little Princess Trust even though it is highlighted and bleached?
Yes! As long as your hair is in great condition and in a natural colour, we can accept highlighted and bleached hair.
Please note, however, that unfortunately we cannot accept hair that has been coloured using a semi-permanent dye or Henna-dyed hair. Please check out our hair donation guidelines here.
Can I donate grey hair?
As our wigs are destined for children and young people, we cannot accept large amounts of grey hair or grey hair that has been dyed a semi-permanent natural colour (as the dye will eventually wash out to reveal the grey).
Donations containing elements of grey hair can be used if the overall quality of the hair is very good. If the majority of the hair is of a useable colour and in good condition, the grey hair can be removed and the suitable coloured hair used.
Can I donate henna-dyed hair?
We cannot accept hair that has been dyed using henna. Henna-dyed hair gradually fades over time which could affect the overall colour of a wig.
Can I donate my hair extensions?
We can only accept Great Lengths hair extensions that are 16 inches or longer. The extensions need to be sent to us directly by a Great Lengths Salon. Find your nearest salon, here.
I am about to start chemotherapy treatment and am thinking about donating my hair prior to losing it - am I able to do this?
We are incredibly humbled when we hear from those about to embark on their own cancer journey who ask if they can donate their hair before they lose it due to chemotherapy.
We are so grateful for these very personal donations and we can use the supporter's hair even if their chemotherapy treatment has already begun.
We would urge you to always prioritise your own well-being, to choose the right time for you to cut your hair, and to not feel rushed or pressured.
Does The Little Princess Trust have links with hairdressers that will cut my hair for free?
Yes we do! You can find all the salons offering free hair cuts by clicking here!
Can you let me know as soon as my hair has arrived?
We will email you a certificate as soon as possible to thank you for your kindness. Be sure to include an email address on the hair donation slip when you send your hair.
Do you provide clear bags or envelopes for my hair donation?
We endeavour to keep costs to a minimum to ensure we have sufficient resources for our free wig provision service and our funding of childhood cancer research so, sadly, we cannot provide bags or envelopes.
We encourage our supporters to be as environmentally-friendly as possible when sending hair donations.
At present, the best way to send us your hair is in a recyclable parcel such as a cardboard envelope. Please avoid using any non-recyclable plastic in any packages.
Can I send hair to you even though I live abroad?
Yes! We are delighted to receive hair donations from abroad. We encourage our international donors, just like our UK supporters, to send us hair donations of 12 inches plus.
When using a courier service abroad, please make it clear that your hair is a charitable donation and that there is no monetary value. Not doing so could incur charges for the charity.
Make sure you have the parcel weighed and pay the correct postage. Then please post it to this address:
The Little Princess Trust
The Hannah Tarplee Building
22-25 Berrington Street
How much does it cost to provide one wig to a child or young person?
It costs, on average, £700 to provide one wig to a child or young person. This cost covers the making, fitting and styling of the wig.
The Little Princess Trust covers all costs to ensure our service is completely free for all our wig recipients - but we can only do this thanks to our amazing supporters.
The price of making a wig has risen substantially over the last 18 months due to a number of factors involved within the wig-making process. These external influences meant that by March 2023, the average cost of making a wig had risen to £550 while the additional fitting and styling costs brought the total to £700.
How do I obtain a fundraising pack?
Thanks for thinking of us! You can request a fundraising pack from this page.
I am not in a position to fundraise as well as having my hair cut. Can I still donate my hair?
The Little Princess Trust needs financial donations, as well as hair donations, to fund the making, fitting and styling of its wigs. However, if you are not able to fundraise, we are still appreciative of your hair donation.
As a charity with no specialist paid fundraisers, we rely on the wonderful support from the public to pay for our free wig provision service and that is why every single penny raised really does count.
Do you have buckets for collecting money?
No - sadly they are quite expensive to post. However, please email and we can send you an LPT label that you can then stick on your own bucket.
Does the fundraising pack contain balloons?
Yes. Each pack comes with three balloons. The balloons are made by Belbal and are independently tested to ensure they are safe and meet the Intertek Tick Mark.
Balloons are not a toy. Uninflated or burst balloons can present a choking hazard and should never be left with children under the age of eight without supervision.
We advise supporters to store balloons away from pets to ensure that they cannot get themselves tangled with balloon ribbons or accidentally ingest popped balloons.
The balloons are made of natural rubber latex and may cause allergies. Please look out for symptoms in case of allergies and seek immediate help.
Can I download extra forms like Sponsorship forms and Hair donation slips?
Yes - Please follow the links below to obtain the following documents:
Sponsor Form
Gift Aid Declaration
Hair Donation Guidelines
Hair Donation Form
Does The Little Princess Trust receive the money I have raised automatically from JustGiving?
Yes. We receive a weekly payment that includes all the money raised for us in that week from all supporters using these online facilities.
Please let us know when your fundraising is complete, so we can send you a certificate of thanks.
Who should cheques be made payable to?
Please make cheques payable to The Little Princess Trust. You can also telephone: 01432 352359 to pay any monies over the telephone.
I do not have a cheque book, can I send you the money I have raised another way?
Yes. You can go to our Donate Money page and donate now with a debit or credit card. Please email to let us know you have kindly done this. Or you can also pay over the telephone by calling 01432 352359.
Do you have any information regarding fundraising guidelines?
Yes, we have put together a handy guide so our brilliant supporters can safely adhere to all the rules and health and safety regulations. It can be viewed by clicking here.
How do I to set up a JustGiving fundraising page?
It's very quick and easy to do. We have made a handy video to give you some tips! You can watch it on the Donate Money section of our website here.
Couldn't Find Your Answer?
If our FAQ's didn't answer your question, send an email to and our team will get back to you