Little Princess Trust News
Trustee's pride in growth of The Little Princess Trust

Tim Lowe has been an important part of LPT from the very start
As one of our founding Trustees, Tim Lowe has watched the progress of The Little Princess Trust with great pride.
There is also a strong sense of amazement, especially when Tim thinks back to the first few days of our charity.
He remembers that the first ever cash donation received, once news spread that LPT had been established, was from one of his young pupils who handed over a few sticky coppers that amounted to 12p.
Meanwhile, when one elderly lady handed in a hair donation, he asked himself what could be done with the lengthy locks.
Tim has been there from the very beginning because he was Hannah Tarplee’s headmaster at Hereford Cathedral Junior School.
After Hannah’s tragic passing at the age of five, Tim asked Hannah’s parents what they wanted to do with the money that other parents at the school had given to him in Hannah’s name.
Tim says that knowing how important the wig had been for their daughter, Simon and Wendy made the collective decision to buy a wig for another child who had lost their hair due to cancer treatment.
As Tim had set up another charity, he helped with the administration and became one of the co-founders as well as one of the three founding Trustees.
The general perception at that time was to help children close to Hereford and Birmingham but it later became apparent that there was a national need for a free wig provision service.
“Simon said it doesn’t matter where people are from, we just help children,” Tim added. “He was so right in saying that.”
With little knowledge of the wig-making industry, all the wigs LPT provided in those early years were bought commercially through supporters’ donations.
“As soon as we announced the launch of the charity in Hannah’s memory, people were very generous and started to give us money,” he said.
“The first ever donation I received was from a little lad at school who handed over 12 pence because he said he wanted to help the charity.”
Tim says this support from individuals is something that has continued as The Little Princess Trust has developed – and makes him very proud.
“We had so much support in the early days from volunteers, helpers at the school and the Hereford public,” he added.
“And while it is amazing to see how the charity has grown, it has been so pleasing to see it stay true to its original values.”
While Tim admits there was ‘no plan’, the incoming donations always ensured they could provide a wig for every request they received.
The Little Princess Trust grew naturally and a new ‘office’ was found in the cathedral school’s attic before the first paid member of staff was taken on.
The progress has continued and The Little Princess Trust is now using those incoming hair donations to make our own wigs. They are very much needed as we are now helping around 2,000 children and young people a year with our free wig provision service.
Tim says the move to fund childhood cancer research was a huge moment and he praised Simon for his vision to back ‘innovative’ science.
Phil Brace, Chief Executive of The Little Princess Trust, said Tim deserved some much-deserved praise of his own for everything he has done for the charity.
“In those early days he really got people to rally round and has been brilliant at making things happen and for getting people to support LPT,” Phil added.
“He has also been so kind as was evident, at the very start, with his pastoral care for Simon and Wendy.”
Tim has now left Hereford and lives in the North West but he thoroughly enjoys his visits back to our new home which is very different to his former school's attic.
The Hannah Tarplee Building is, Tim says, a fantastic tribute to everything the charity has achieved – and to all the many people who have played a part in making this happen.
· If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, we would like to hear from you. Trustees need to be aged 18 or over – and we have a specific need for those with knowledge and experience in digital marketing, IT and social media. Email The Little Princess Trust Chief Executive Phil Brace at for more details.