New research tool gives insights into the origins of childhood neuroblastoma
"We can now explore potential treatment avenues with unprecedented precision"
"We can now explore potential treatment avenues with unprecedented precision"
More knowledge is "urgently needed" for these hard-to-treat cancers
Tara-Brigitte Bhavnani, and her daughter, Chloé, have made some special donations to LPT!
Project highlights the need for alternative treatments for young adults
Marking 'Superhairo Day' the LPT way
"Cancer doesn’t define someone. I’m still the same person, just with slightly less hair."
April sees groups unite to raise awareness of unique challenges
Funding for Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres was trebled
Imaginative hair styles raise vital funds to support our work
Tim Wheeler reaches milestone run for The Little Princess Trust
Cloud Nine event hears from industry experts - and we're there!
Research aims to discover more about tumours that have regrown
Professor Pam Kearns has inspired us all with her incredible work and support
Two projects 'offer real hope for kinder treatments'
Researcher explains her unorthodox career path
Global campaign raises awareness and support
LPT-funded study helps to find right amount of medicine
Funding to find the most appropriate drugs to improve patient outcomes
LPT team to take on half marathon in Wales’ largest mass participation
Greater understanding wanted to find better and kinder treatments
Wig recipient becomes an Ambassador after raising £23,000
Social media post attracts huge response from hair donors and wig recipients
Research aims to help young people with Ewing sarcoma
Let your imagination run free to support The Little Princess Trust
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The MBE for voluntary groups was awarded to The Little Princess Trust by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.
Registered Charity No. 1176160
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